Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Story of Arley

Arley Franca went to public school until he was 12 years old. His mother was a teacher and his father worked in the office of a construction company. When he was ready for high school, he went to a private school as they had a wind orchestra and he really wanted to play in the band. His first year, he started on soprano sax. His teacher was a trumpet player and he did not learn much about saxophone. His second and third year, his teacher was a clarinet and sax player, so he got much better.

He continued playing through his high school years. He went on to university and started as a music education major, but the teachers were not good. He changed to just general pedagogy. During his college years, he continued playing as much as he could in a variety of venues.

Upon graduation, he joined the Fireman. Why? Because they had a wind band. He played in this band for three years. The first year was very good as they had a trained and competent conductor. The second and third year were not good as the conductor left and the new conductor did not know much about leading an ensemble. Arley got frustrated and quit the group.

He found some friends from his past and they formed a saxophone quartet and played alot of gigs. It was at this time that he went to Pindoretama and started the project.

It is clear that music has been a part of his life for many years and he is committed to being a great musician and sharing his love of music with those around him.


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